Sioux Falls Personal Injury Attorney
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Even The Playing Field 30+ Years of Legal Experience

Burn Injuries in Sioux Falls

Injured in South Dakota? Contact an injury lawyer who has won millions!

Burn injuries can be very serious depending on the degree of the burn. There are essentially three different types of burn injuries, first degree, second degree and third degree. Each severity has different medical complications and ways of treating the injury. If you have been involved in a work-related accident where you incurred a burn injury due to the negligence of your boss or a coworker then you may be able to claim workers' compensation. If you were injured in this way due to the negligence of another then this firm may be able to help you obtain reparation for your injuries.

A first degree burn can be painful; it generally takes one or more weeks to heal and has no complications other than a greater risk for skin cancer later in life. A second degree burn (superficial partial thickness) can be very painful and generally takes 2-3 weeks to heal and has a potential for local infections. A second degree burn deep partial thickness can be extremely painful and generally takes weeks to heal. There are cases where this kind of burn will progress into a third degree burn, complications with this kind of burn may include scarring, and it may require skin excision and grafting. A third degree burn is painless due to the severe nerve damage that occurs. This kind of burn does not heal on its own and requires excision, other complications can include scarring and possible amputation requirement.

Suffering from a burn injury?

There are many different ways that an individual may incur a burn injury, however when it is due to the negligence of another then you may be entitled to money damages for your injuries. If you have suffered a burn injury due to the negligent acts of another person then you will greatly benefit from the legal assistance of a Sioux Falls personal injury lawyer from Even Law Firm.

Attorney Even will be able to provide you with the aggressive representation that you need on your side in order to maximize your chances of a favorable outcome of your case in court. Contact us today.